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Challenge #04259-K241: Volunteered Kitten-Sitter

Several cats and skitties leave their very small kittens right by where Lilicoon was relaxing in the park and bound off swiftly. The kittens try to play with her and each other. Over an hour later, the adult cats return with the saunter of a happy feline who'd done a good job. -- Anon Guest

She'd been reading quietly when the first of them deposited something on her skirt. There was a tiny, blind blob of a skitten snuggling into her tail floof. In a minute, the mama skitty returned with a second. By the third, she left off her reading to report the unusual event to Station Security.

The officer turned up at the same time as the second litter. The first collection of six snuggling blind blobs had fallen asleep in her tail fur, and the stumbling bumbling 'bumper-car' kittens were tangling in battles with each other. There were four of each of those. The officer boggled at the kittens, and Lillicoon desperately staying as quiet as possible in their company.

He witnessed the skitty dragging out a slightly older skitten than any others currently present. One that the skitty had to drag.

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