Ancient Aliens

A 1-post collection

Challenge #04433-L049: Ancient Aliens Realism

They read the briefings. Conquering that planet was going to be SO simple, their technology was so.. primitive! Then they went to land on the Earth, and realized that the gravity there was a lot stronger than they had been told. -- Anon Guest

What a ridiculous solar system! Only one habitable planet with macroscopic life, and that was mostly mammalian. Some were marginally intelligent, but they honestly hadn't progressed much past bashing the rocks together. They had spread further than the first survey indicated, but that was nothing to be concerned about.

It was going to be an easy world to conquer. Those balding apes would become the subjugated servants of the Y'wagi Empire, which would then claim the resources of the rest of this stellar mess.

So many heavy metal asteroids. So many exploitable gas giants.

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