::Opening notes of William Tell::

Today is pretty much going to be absorbed, amoeba-like, by a three-hour round trip to Captain S for fish on Friday.

Which means that I get as much of my work done now as I can, and nap on the ride there. Fun.

And today's exercise is: Not well-actually-ing Capt S when she inevitably trots out some junk science she got from "all these doctors" on some scam she's bought into, this week.

It's pointless arguing with her. She's going to stay bought into it until it doesn't work, gets too expensive, or she finds the next scam. My only hope lies in the fact that she doesn't have time to watch two-hour-plus long scam push videos, any more.

But. I'm not doing that today. I am keeping quiet and keeping my learning to myself and letting Capt S say whatever the shit.

And I'm getting on with my shit as fast as I can.