Oof and ow

So first thing, I managed to damage my wrists, yesterday. I also managed to poison myself with Chaos' anti-nit treatment. So I not only have the Runs, but also painful wrists.

So we're skipping Resistance Training. Due to ill health.

Then Beloved wants to go on a shopping spree. Which has taken us from about 9:30 this morning through to one in the afternoon.

So now all my spoons have gone, I have to schedule my Blasts From the Pasts on Steemit, write and advertise my Instant story.... and likely collapse under the AC for the rest of the day.

Shopping still drains me and I don't know why.

Beloved thinks I'm missing out on essential fats. Any excuse for a cheesecake is a good one.

And thanks to a nearly-local grocerers, we now have cocoa butter. An essential ingredient in making 99%-cocoa dark chocolate all by ourselves. Yay.

That's the essential core of Keto: Make your own.

And I will be having a go at making my very own cheesecake cups with dark chocolate cups for a base. Just... not today.

Today is hot and I am exhausted. Let's go do that story, now.