New Tactics

Usually, when waiting for Chaos' bus in the mornings, I devote a patch of my time to fanficcery. I've taken to using that time for progress on my novel. A few sentences or paragraphs here and there can make all the difference.

As in, all the difference between me having a patch of spare time and me not having any at all.

I've started downloading the Hero Kids kits I paid for. I may yet have time to read up and practice my DM'ing with the family on the Fridays where I don't scoot into Brisbane to play with my group.

It's a work in progress.

Just like everything else in my life.

Speaking of WIPs, I have some posts due over on my Patreon. Those who've subscribed over there, look out. More chapters incoming.

Once again, I'm attempting to unriddle what the hell is going wrong with my diet. Once again without tracking what I have in any definite way. 'Cause I'm daft like that.

I should start tracking for realsies again. That should help me stay on the narrow. That, and maybe encouraging myself to (ugh) exercise.

We'll see.