Last Friday of School!

Following today, I have all the kiddies at home with little constructive to do. So the mayhem beginneth in earnest. Mayhem has a casual job, at least, so that promises to be at minimum partially interesting.

Today, I must unfuck the house, then go forth and retrieve nommables for the kitties since the supplies have run out.

I shall take full advantage of any discounts I can use, because these little critters get HUNGRY and they need variety.

I've started painting the base of my mini and I up and decided to make it look like he's walking on diorite. Patreons will know why. First coat is a success. Second coat tomorrow, followed by details, touch-ups, and randomness associated with same.

...yes, I did get a little bit of white paint on my careful paintwork and yes, I am mad about it. Touch-ups will solve everything. Eventually.

I just drybrushed the leathers of the Kobold and I plan on painting some detailed touch-ups tomorrow morning.

I've got five hundred words down in KOSBOB and I have five hundred more to go before I'm done with that. This week.

Onwards to the chaos.