Friday, House of Pestillence

Mayhem didn't listen to my good advice on shaking his lurgi. He's taking that good advice today. By Monday, he'll be back at work.

I'm going to try Stencyl again. Unriddling the sound issue is a complicated problem that includes converting files to other formats and stripping their metadata. I tried finding or making copies of the extant sound files, but... that's something I must mess about with.

I will find a way.

Maybe not today, maybe not next week, but I will find a way.

Tomorrow, we're doing parkrun in the city again, but I also have to budget some hours for bread. Fun times. Half my Saturday will be out of the house, and the other half has to sink into proofing and folding and autolysing and all that jazz. Most of my Sunday will also be involved with baking. Yay.

Today, more offerings plus doing the catio, plus making sure I'm prepared for upcoming nonsense.

Onwards and away to making my offerings for today.