With all good fortune, the roads should be clear for my return. I have no doubt that my little darlings are getting anxious. Tonight, I shall do all the packing I can so that there isn't a mad scrum tomorrow.
Because snow is due and we all have to pray that escape is possible. Fortunately, I have access to experienced folks who can take me over the dangerous bits if it comes to that. I really hope that it doesn't come to that. I want to go home. I want to hug my little darlings again.
Plus it's too firkin cold here.
The good news is that preparations for return include a free un-mucking of my car internals, because I just can't afford to keep hauling around the accumulated scrattle any more.
I also have plans for the un-mucking of the house. Gradual ones that won't leave me wheezing (I hope) and that should get the darlings involved. Note the qualifyer.
I have good hopes. We need to work on a solution that will work.