Enter Procrastination Mode

...did I ever leave it? Discuss.

I actually got distracted into finding out about the thing I needed to do and this is one of the very few times that procrastination has worked in my favour. I'm taking that win. Mostly because now I have a PLN.


The PLN today is to get on with getting on. Money run, house unfuckening, output... All the juicy goodness I can expect on a Monday.

But first... I have a confession.

First, I slept most of yesterday and second - I failed to do my 750 words at the site. I was a much happier bean for it so... Yeah. I'm not doing 750 words any more.

It slowed me down, it drained my creativity, and I ended up getting obsessed with doing that number of words. It's not working for me. It might work for you, but it doesn't work for me.

Hypothesis, thesis, synthesis... result.

I think I'm good.