Ding, Dong, Is The Witch Really Dead?

Jelly, Ice Cream, Maggie Thatcher and Sara’s obsession with all things empirical.


“Ah, the end of an era,” sighed Sara.

Kitty peeked. She was watching international news over a bowl of jelly and ice-cream, where people were protesting in the streets and holding giant puppets. It was interspersed with grainy old stock footage of people rioting. “Normally I like, ignore your what-the-heck moments, but… What the heck?”

“Margret Thatcher has passed on.”

Kitty waited for further explanation. When none was forthcoming, she prompted, “Which means…?”

“Some rather grousome celebrations,” Sara indicated the TV. “I’m trying to grok it, myself. She was elected Prime Minister for–”

“Prime what?”

Sigh. “Sort of like the President of England.”

“Okay.” Kitty tried to ignore the fact that Sara had just said that in her lowest-common-denominator voice.

“Anyway, she was elected Prime Minister for thirty-some years. They kept re-electing her for that time, despite the fact that she kept doing things they hated. Remember V?”

“Yeah, that was a cool movie.”

“Yes. Well. The original comic was written as a sort of protest against Maggie Thatcher’s regime.”

“Wait. How could they keep voting for her for that long? There’s term limits and stuff.”

“Not in England, dear.”

“England’s like, weird.”

“Everywhere’s weird when you don’t live there. Just ask Kurt.”

“So they hated her?”


“But they kept voting for her.”


“And now she’s dead they’re like, celebrating?”


Kitty sat on the floor and stared at the images. “Would this be something like a war breaking out if like, George W. Bush died?”

“…which will possibly happen… But yes, you have rather nailed it.”

Kitty pondered the odds of Sara joking about that. Then figured out how old W. was and how likely it was that he’d pass anytime soon. “I’m'a go see how good our emergency shelter is.”

“Good thought.”

[Muse food remaining: 11. Submit a prompt! Ask a question!]