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Challenge #04467-L083: Wastenaught

"What are you doing with all that plant waste and old clothing you're shredding?"

I'm going to make homemade paper.

"Paper out of clothing and old plants??"

Yep, it's going to be a very pretty soft green. -- Anon Guest

The thing about space travel is that it's difficult to take everything with you. Since it is the longest possible trip from A to B, taking everything for the trip means even more fuel expended to push it all towards B. Or a longer trip, which needs more supplies. The ouroboros of logistics can tie many to their homeworlds, Unless they figure out how to renew their supplies in transit.

Which leads, inevitably, to a strong culture of recycling in spacefaring cultures. You can't take it all with you, so you have to use what you've taken again and again and again. Nothing is wasted.

Nothing can be wasted, or you and everyone in your ship soon will be.

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