Karma comes in strange ways, for a false healer it was that now, sometimes it worked -- Knitnan
A Traveling Apothecary was an amazing scam. Roll into town with a showy wagon and an amusing sideshow. Sell a few interesting bottles of simple solutions and coloured water. Then get out before the rubes notice that it's all smoke and mirrors. And, of course, steer clear of any place that has a disease running through it. Claim that you're out of the essential ingredients, if all else failed.
And always, always travel faster than the word about your gig.
In that, Nostrom had done everything right. They even had awnings to cover their advertising when they weren't selling things to the rubes. There was little at all to tell anyone that they were a roaming potioneer. Therefore, it was shocking as all hells to have a goodwife run to their cart, crying, "Bless the gods, an apothecarian! You can help us!"
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