Challenge #04300-K282: Synthetic Hymnal

Grandpa 7094 had a very impressive career. NASA, MIT, and the Mitsubishi Nuclear Power Plant were just a few of the organizations where he provided invaluable data. But ask him his proudest achievement, he'll say without hesitation it was learning to sing Daisy Bell. Because it's the one that makes his grandchildren smile. -- Anon Guest

[AN: For those unaware, speech synthesis is older than you think. The instant Humanity put speakers on computers, they started trying to make them communicate]

Humans are strange creatures, no matter what. The hairless ape saw the wolf and wondered if it could be friends. And later, when they made rocks do mathematics, they gave those constructions names. Binac. Emerac. Avidac. When they sent machines to places they could not yet go, they did the same. Pioneer. Voyager. Curiosity...

And for centuries, they tried to make their machines talk just like them. They tried to make their machines... sing.

Nothing difficult, to begin with. Something the synthesis was capable of. Something traditional so the audience could use their pareidolia to fill in the gaps.

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