Challenge #04295-K277: Kindness Comes in Handy

The adult giant was nearly 10 ft tall, kinda short for their kind. Their parentals, humans, lived near the massive cottage where the giant lived. When asked by other giants why "bugs were allowed here", the giant angrily would state "Don't you dare insult my parents!" -- Anon Guest

Others of hir kind called hir 'Shrimp' because ze was only twice the height of the average Human. Small for Giantkind. Hir real name was Elianto, and her parents loved and cherished hir.

There were challenges to raising babies of a different species, no matter what the adoptive parents were. Baby Kobolds were eager and enthusiastic to work. Baby Gobelliin were wont to hide in darker corners and chew on anything they could lay their hands on. Baby Faekindred, Hellkin, or Hallobloods 'leaked' magic according to their moods... and so on. As for baby Giants, well...

It was easier to accommodate the parents around the child. Commission or befriend a D'varuh to make the furniture, because a baby Giant doesn't know their own strength, and the D'varuv make things to last. Invest in sailcloth, you will find out why.

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