Challenge #04291-K273: A Chance at Mortal Redemption

A very old angel, and an ancient demon, both sat together talking, watching the peoples. Seeing how the humans treat the children born to them simply for looking like their ancient ancestors, saddened them.

"Even we demons know this is wrong."

They are human and have free will.

"Doesn't mean it's not wrong."

In that, at least, we very much agree. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Reminder that I am trying my soul to whispers in keeping my stories OUTSIDE of fandom spaces. This is sorely tempting to do a Good Omens riff.]

"I thought this reincarnation business was meant to be a second chance for the new soul," said the demon. "It's not working out so well, is it?"

"It is the nature of evil to gloat before its downfall," sighed the angel. "New systems require adjustment phases. This is merely an adjustment."

The demon watched a bunch of kids chase a young reincarnation of Adolf Hitler down the footpath. "An adjustment. Hm! Doesn't seem right. They're leading to the same mistakes. Over and over and over again."

"They're also in an age with the highest possible documentation of personal experiences. They will learn," insisted the angel.

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