Challenge #04279-K261: Revenge on the Rocks

Why did you do that?

"Kill me if you must wizard, but they deserved it after what they've done to me, to my siblings."

I won't kill you, but you need a place to channel that rage appropriately.

"And where would that be?"

I will show you a better path. -- Anon Guest

Some fates are worse than death. Some crimes deserve death. I survived the first. Committed by the one who did the other one. There's a god of justice, but he never listened when I called on all of them for help. No. I could never rely on divine intervention. Not to spare me. Not to end her.

I had to do it myself. I was the only one I could ever rely on.

I escaped her grasp. I learned how to use what she'd done to me for my benefit, not hers. I learned other ways to fight. I learned ways to win. And only once the cold justice was served... did a god finally turn up.

Wraithvine. The only living deity who still has technically mortal flesh. Nobody's really tried to kill hir, but I had a decent try at it. Pity for me that ze's a Wizard who's been around since the beginning of the world. If ze didn't know all the magic, then it was because ze hadn't invented it yet.

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