Challenge #04251-K233: Tiny and Deadly

The Gravity (aka Gravy) Drive pushed itself to its maximum. Its hull was damaged, the family within, several were hurt, and it was not going to let them down! Blaring every alert it could, it raced as fast as it could, perhaps recklessly so, toward the nearest base that could help it, and its loved ones. -- Anon Guest

Of all the critical damage a ship can suffer, one of the worst is debilitating damage to their Hungry Caterpillar object defense system. One micrometeor at the wrong vector in the wrong place can mess everything up for everyone.

A subsequent storm of micrometeors just made things worse.

It was a once in a trillion chance. But it was more than enough to cause trouble for everyone alive on board. The fact that it happened during Ship's Night only made it worse. The Hagiographic Maru was losing air, losing power, and was about to lose souls.

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