Challenge #04232-K214: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes

The village had begun to rot from the inside, with the Watch being cruel the downtrodden, especially those who were not human. Certain ears DID hear. Shadows move, and some were asked to move into the village to correct the problems. -- Anon Guest

Doni had taken to leaving little gift boxes where the Hellkin girl often hid. He made sure nobody saw him do it, because that increased the chances that the Hellkin girl would actually get them. He wasn't always successful at the most important step.

"You there," barked the Watchman. "What're you doing?"

"Filling a contracted delivery," Doni recited. Ma had drawn up the papers, making them look official, and always had them with him in case something happened. "I'm charged to put this in a specific place and leave it undisturbed."

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