Challenge #04186-K168: Calculated Risk

They warn knomiras time and again not to touch the pretty plants. And, yet again, they get to deal with complaining and screaming while treating injured hands. -- Anon Guest

Some exhibits are a nightmare. The slow-moving cruise vessels housing them are literally made for the exhibits. Kept in excellent condition by the crew and staff. It's not the exhibits that are the problem. It's the people who pay to share the experience presented.

"I paid to see these plants," insisted the current problem. "I paid premium. In advance. You have no right to turn me away based on some... stupid word salad."

Said word salad included terms like 'toxic', 'pathogens', and 'airborne particles'. It also included terms like 'avoid physical contact' or 'stay behind the yellow line' as well as frequent uses of 'for your own safety'. There were no words in there that an Alliance citizen with an average education could not understand. The doorkeeper on the admissions desk checked the metadata with their ticket. Oh. Oh shit. They were a Deregger.

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