Challenge #03312-I024: Heart of Silicon

Humans study their past and how they viewed AI. How they had the fear of AI both being the ultimate slave where humans could live for the rest of eternity in leisure, and being the ultimate enemy, that would destroy all of human-kind brutally. And how the AI has shown to be neither, but instead, another kind of intelligent being that they needed to learn to understand. -- Anon Guest

Humans probably devote too much time to pondering how their own creations could kill them. It's most definitely a thing. They ponder such magnificence as a computer with the intelligence of an ant conquering the world and ignore such things as asbestos in the walls or microplastics in their food chain.

That's Humans for you. They always pay attention to the enormous things. Then ignore anything that would be inconvenient if they actually thought about things.

So when the first simulations of artificial intelligence became a reality, the fevered minds of fictioneers did what they did best. They immediately treated the simulations of intelligence as if they were fellow humans and speculated in the direction of hostility. This was the furthest possible thing from the reality.

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