Challenge #00716 - A351: As the Station Turns

Aliens of all kind discover Soap Operas, have fun with the adaptations and scripts and of course the fans. — knitnan

Serialised drama is nothing new. The fact that it invaded the known universe before the humans made themselves known is the only thing from stopping the accusing finger pointing at those dangerous primates. And there is a legend that some baffling ancient alien went around the universe and introduced infant species to the concept. But some people will say anything…

Even the Archivaas have trouble tracking down the oldest one. Some proudly display Kerinat’n Place as the oldest and longest running of them. Others exhibit All My Daughters as the most inclusive.

Only humans called it ‘Soap Opera’ and there was a certain amount of foam and inadvisability of consumption in the end product that made the name spread.

There are those who love it, those who abhor it to the point of  outright ostracising the entire topic… and those unfortunate souls who feel compelled to explain it, despite the clear and evident disinterest of their audience.

“…an’ when it turned out that they were twins, I cried. I fair cried.”

“Wait,” said Rael. “These are two disparate species. One of them is oviparous.”

“Na, na, na. Y’ see… his egg cracked an’ they had tae transfer ‘im tae new digs, ye ken,” explained Shayde. “And the best place was sharin’ space wi’ her pseudo-uterus. And then the unit got misfiled, an’ that’s why they have their Unty Briix.”

Rael growled. “Anyone with a modicum of science education knows that that is… what’s your phrase? A complete load of bollocks.”

“Aye, I reckon it’s all a plot by T’sert’ser tae ruin their happiness.”

Rael glared at her as he processed his latest mouthful of Gyiikish experimental recipes. It could, in his opinion, use a smidgen more hollandaise sauce. “How did you get into this nonsense in the first place?”

Shayde grinned. “Let me tell ye about my wee girl Apples…”

One day, Rael promised himself, he would learn to keep his curious mouth shut.

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