Challenge #00633 - A268: Boundless Realms of Ignorance

To sing when anti-science protestors of whatever stripe are around:

Ev’ry banana you eat / has been genetically engineered / and is a radioactive clone.

There were simultaneous protests outside the administrative building. Some protestors, with a foot in each camp, had evolved revolving signs.

“Bible bashers,” Sylvia shook her head. One side of a sign she was watching quoted the bible about natural foods, and the other screamed about teaching creationism. She had a wicked idea and ducked into her laboratory greenhouse.

Edna followed her. “What are you up to? You’re not going to bomb them with dyed smoke again, are you?”

“No. I’m just going to give them a material lesson… Ah! There they are.”

It was a green oblong that looked much like a cucumber with warts. Sylvia cackled like a true mad scientist as she made her way outside to the protestors.

“Sylvia…” Edna warned. “That’s not a new sample, is it?”

“No, no, no. It’s old as dirt. Promise.” It took her five minutes to force her face into Press Conference Formality, at which point she strode out to the protestor with the revolving sign.

“Stay away from me, you ungodly harlot!”

“Well at least I’m not wearing blended fabrics or eating ham,” she retorted. “Here’s a banana as God intended them.” She handed over the knobbly green thing. “Fresh from my garden.”

The protestor stared at it in disgust.

“Yum yum yum,” cooed Sylvia.

Alas, it didn’t work. People opposed to science are naturally inclined to disbelieve anyone in a white coat.

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