Challenge #00632 - A267: Respect It

To quote Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 3 Scene 3, Line 87: No!

“Geez, why do you have to be such a bitch about it?”

Ugh. “Maybe because I had to tell you thirty times before you even heard a real ‘no’? Maybe because my wants and needs aren’t relevant to you? Maybe because the first thing that came out of your mouth when I told you I was bisexual was ‘threesome’? Maybe it’s because you’re as aesthetically pleasing as month-old mozzarella that’s been left in the sun for three months? Maybe it’s because you smell like that, too? But really, when you get down to it? It’s because you don’t fucking listen.”

He stared at her in piggy incomprehension. “You know, if you’re on your rag, just tell me.”

“It’s men like you who give men a bad reputation, did you know that?”

“Come on. It’s not like I’m asking you to fuck me or something… Just a coffee.”

“The closest we’re getting to going to get a coffee is if I throw some of mine in your face. I don’t want you breathing my air. Go away.” She re-enforced her point with her stun gun.

“Jesus. Who told you I was interested? I was just trying to compliment your fat ugly ass. Bulldyke.”

Jessica sighed in relief and continued on her way to meet her girlfriend. The sooner they had a tag-and-release system for those pathetic specimens, the better.

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