Challenge #00616 - A251: Adventuring with humans

Maybe, maybe not. After all his plan IS flawless after all.

He doesn’t have a plan at all so there can’t be any flaws in it.

“That’s a plan?” yawped the Princess. “How can the human’s plans possibly have a complete success rate?

"That’s the thing, it isn’t a plan,” explained Ax'and'l. “It’s more a succession of goals. You’ve heard the old edict that no plan ever survives first contact with the enemy?”

“Oh yes. It’s drilled into all of us from the age of understanding.”

“Hwell’s exactly the kind of enemy that the other guy fears. He improvises. He goes with the flow. But he also redirects that flow towards his goals.”

Something exploded. Because a plan - or a list of goals - in Hwell’s hands quickly included something going boom. Ax'and'l thanked his lucky stars that that boom was usually in the company finance report.

Hwell sauntered back without a mark on him or his nigh-piratical garb. “That aughta keep ‘em good and busy. This way to the escape vehicle, gentle cogniscents.”

“I’m not even going to ask how he does that,” said the Princess.

“I’m just going to frisk him for bottles,” said Ax'and'l.


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