Challenge #00370 - A005: Cursed Curses

I get that it’s a curse, and it’s supposed to be horrendous and probably means I’m going to die in some terribly gory manner in a few days time, but did it have to be so damn cheerful? And the song is so peppy and catchy. This is like the opposite of what an evil curse is supposed to be, I feel vaguely cheated somehow.

[AN: Forgive the horrible poetry]

“You found the tomb/ You took from us/ You should have hit reverse,” the mummified barber shop quartet sang. “And now you know/ You suffer hard/ From our old ancient curse.”

“Is… there any way to shut them up?” pondered Dale.

“I’m sure they’ll get to that part eventually,” sighed Robin. “Putting everything back failed.”

“You sure it was everything?”

“Aw no. Mister Robbins! He took a little dolly thing from the table!”

“You’d best act fast/ Without a sigh/ Your feet they have to fly,” sang the mummies. “Prepare yourselves/ For Fate’s swift wings/ ‘Cause you’re all going to die!”

Robin sighed. “…fabulous…”

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