
A 39-post collection

Challenge #01067-B335: They've Been Hiding up There For Ages


Frisk the undisputed monarch of hide and seek (and massive troll) -- Gallifreya

One thing the files said about Frisk, was that if they didn't want to be found, the seeker would never find them.

One rather malevolent foster parent called the police to search for them, and the child just spontaneously turned up in the rear of a squad car. With a friend who was not so good at hiding, who had all the bruises. One of the many factors that caused Frisk to be a hot-potato style of problem child until they came into the general area of Mount Ebott.

Now that there were monsters in the world, Frisk used those skills for fun.

Well, fun for themself.

Sans had been drying out in the midday sun after gently soaking in the overnight rain. Enjoying the sky and the sight of clouds. At least until Papyrus ran screaming down the road in unadulterated panic.

After a few minutes, he went screaming back the way he had come.

Sans let it go for a few more iterations before he arranged to be in Pap's path. "Whoa, whoa. Calm down, bro. What's the problem?"

"The human is missing! I can't find them anywhere. We were playing Hide and Seek and they just... vanished. I am a horrible guardsman! I'm a failure as a monster! Toriel will be devastated!" He fell to his knees, sobbing. "I can never show my face in public again..."

Frisk, nestled comfortably in Papyrus' tattered red cape, waved a hello and signed, Tell him about 'Olly olly oxen free'.

Kid, thought Sans. You are going to be the death of me. Just... not literally... in this reality, anyway.

Sans tried to soothe his sobbing brother. "Bro. Bro. It's going to be okay."

"No it's not," sniffle, sniffle, sob. "Frisk was in my charge. They could be anywhere. Anything could happen to them."

"No seriously. It's fine. I -ah- know some magic human-summoning words."

Glare. "Why didn't you use them on patrol."

Sans shrugged. "Only found out about 'em up here. Besides, it might not have worked underground."

"And they'll work now?"

Sans grinned. "Guaranteed, bro. Got it on the best authority. All you got to do is yell, 'Olly olly oxen free'. Works like a charm."

Another glare. "Are you pranking me, brother?"

"Bro. I don't do pranks when you're crying."

Papyrus took a deep breath and shouted the words, causing Frisk to grin and slither out of their perch. Frisk circled around to where Papyrus could see them and added a smooch to his tear-soaked cheekbone.

Sans was back in his deck chair before the dramatic monologue got going.

(Muse food remaining: 23. Submit a Prompt! Ask a question! Buy my stories! Or comment below!)

Challenge #01066-B334: Touch Feast

You mentioned Frisk being tactile - so they probably don't mind at all if the monsters take every opportunity to pick them up, carry them around, hug them or hold them (and one time pretend to suplex them) -- Gallifreya

The first thing people noticed about Frisk was their silence. The second thing they noticed, assuming they got past the silence, was that Frisk was rarely out of the arms of a monster.

It didn't matter which one. Whatever came along to

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Challenge #01065-B333: Santa Claws

The Santa Suit in King Fluffybuns' wardrobe. -- Gallifreya

The first rays of Christmas morning lit the snow with gold. This was a day of magic. A day of miracles. And the best miracle was that Frisk had a family now.

Mom Toriel and Dunkle Sans. And Uncle Papyrus. And Aunties Undyne and Alphys. And a whole host of others who would be sharing the feast at the Really Big table.

The grin on Frisk's head wouldn't go away. Their breathless giggles

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Challenge #01063-B331: The Ambassador... the Hat

A skeleton looks much less scary with a small child sitting on their shoulders/draped over their skull -- Gallifreya

The monsters had not waited for permission to build. A new city sprang up on and around Mount Ebott. Practically overnight. Replete with paved roads, plumbing, and all the amenities. They certainly did not wait to celebrate their freedom.

And they invited the humans to come join them.

Some came expecting to be scared. Officer Honicutt came to make certain that the

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Challenge #01061-B329: First Impressions

The large, intimidating and scary... King Fluffybuns -- Gallifreya

Authorities were still trying to lure the silent Frisk away from the gathered monsters. Frisk had worn themselves out trying to tell them that the monsters were her friends.

Now they were just clinging to the nearest leg for comfort.

Toriel patted her head. "I know, my child," she soothed. "It is very hard to convince them. Humans do tend to judge by appearances. Have no fear. They will understand."

And then, the

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Challenge #01059-B327: Reset... Reset...


Pick a second -- Gallifreya

Sans had let a fine layer of snow settle on him again. It didn't really matter. Skeletons were generally immune to the cold in the first place, and he just didn't care for the second.

Every time he opened his eyes, he saw the sky... Blue sky. Real stars. Clouds... it didn't matter.

Crowding didn't matter. Not any more. There were seemingly boundless areas of mountainside and forest in which

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One Thing We Got

[AN: Don't have very much to talk about this morning, so... have a finished fanfic I have just laying around.]

Disclaimer: Undertale and all characters therein belong to Toby Fox, who is frankly awesome. You did so good that I had to write fic. Also the Responsibility Arc belongs to http://askbabybones.tumblr.com and I fell in love with it.

AN: This story diverges after part three of said arc.

                                One Thing We've Got


Sans remembered how the world changed.

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Challenge #01037-B305: Slow Acceptance

Monsters making their first steps (and missteps) on the surface -- Gallifreya

[AN: Potential spoilers for the True Ending of the game ahoy.]

The Great Papyrus strode masterfully towards the humans. Just down the path, he could see an absolute host of humans having picnics in a park.

The perfect venue for a Welcome Out party! They must have known!

He burst from relative concealment and threw his hands up high. "Good news, Humans! The Underground is now able to come and

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Challenge #01036-B304: After the Game is Over


Human Kid and life with the Skelebros. -- Gallifreya

[AN: I am endeavouring to keep my post-play Papyton shipping entirely to myself. Also kind'a headcannoning that Frisk is a voluntary mute]

Papyrus was so trusting. He just charged in ahead where more sensible monsters would fear to tread. Toriel and Frisk caught up with him in the middle of... well... a Scene.

Picnickers at the foot of Mount Ebott were screaming. Children cowered by their parents. Someone, soon, would level a

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