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A 19-post collection

Random reasons to love Steam Powered Giraffe #10

Their live shows

I've never been to one. It's the sad result of being on the wrong continental landmass and being absolutely broke. [cough buy my books cough cough]

And when they share the stage with other Steampunk greats like Professor Elemental... stuff like this happens[warning - low quality audience video]:

Please note that Rabbit has a flame-thrower as part of her robotic accessories.

Along side the audience participation [many of whom are better than word-perfect on the lyrics already] there's

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Random reason I love Steam Powered Giraffe (#9)

Anyone who's dug into the depths of this blog or followed me on Tumblr for a while knows that I have enough issues to run a major news-stand.

Let's just summarise it as: ASD with co-morbid anxiety and sleep issues with a massive side order of depression.

I have some really bad days, sometimes. I can, have, and will get to the point where I need to make a pillow fort just to survive the day. BUT - on any given bad

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Random reason to love Steam Powered Giraffe #8

Today's reason: Li'l Steve.

Once upon a time in fandom past, a crafty member of the fanmily gave the band crocheted effigies of themselves. Most members of the band only played with them a little, and this happened:

But Steve "actually a dragon" Negrete developed an attachment to his yarn doppelganger. And has taken to animating his dolly and speaking for it in... The Adventures of Li'l Steve.

I'll link you the playlist:

Li'l Steve is a lot ruder and abrasive than

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Random reasons to love Steam Powered Giraffe #7

You know what? Fuck it. I'm posting these before I do my Instant in the morning. Having them written in advance is just a bonus. No more apologies. I have the organisational skills of a diseased whelk. Let's just live with that.

Okay? Okay.

Today's reason: Five-star production values on a five-dollar budget

Pretty much all of the money that SPG earns from their music and the Engineer-ateer site [for as little as $2 a month, you can have access to all

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Random reason to love Steam Powered Giraffe #6

Argh, I wrote yesterday's post in the morning so I could post it by the evening, and then I forgot to post it. I derped big time.

Fingers crossed, I actually remember to post this one tonight. I'm not holding my breath though.

Today's reason to love Steam Powered Giraffe is: Their covers.

Once in a great, long while [averaging roughly once per album] band members hear something cool on the radio and decide, "Hey, we can do something to that."


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Random reason to love Steam Powered Giraffe #5

Yeah, I'm being erratic with this. My life kind of imploded. Things get interrupted when my life implodes a bit.

Anyway. Today's reason to love Steam Powered Giraffe: Holy shit, they're sexy.

Yes, I know. They're so very much younger than I am. I'm plausibly old enough to parent them. But... consider exhibit A.

Pictured here is David "The Spine" Bennett nomming on a granola bar. Just... standing there and staring at not very much whilst masticating calmly for all to see.

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Random reason to love Steam Powered Giraffe #4

I could go on forever. I know. There's so much that I love about this band that I can barely keep it in...

But today? Let's go with: They are incredibly creative.

It's not just the songs and the makeup. Or the mechanical-imitation miming.

If you check out their site you'll notice that it's not just the music.

The art, the lore, the comic... heck, even the website itself - it's all a product of one or more members of the band.

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Oops (very late random reason to love Steam Powered Giraffe #3)

Lazy Sunday-itis got to me and I plumb fell asleep before I could think of a Reasons to love Steam Powered Giraffe article...

So check out: The dedication to their art...

You get a free listen to some SPG tunes as well, so enjoy these :3

Sam Luke transforms into the lovable bronze stove woobie Hatchworth [give him a bit of leeway, Hatchy's been shut in a vault for 80+ years. He has no idea he's weird].

Isabella Bennett changes herself into

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Random reason to love Steam Powered Giraffe #2

Continuing on from yesterday's attempt to pull you unawares into the fanmily [that's the collective name for the SPG fandom] I bring you yet another reason to love this band.

Today's reason? Their comedic brilliance

They can, have, and will carry a joke around for years [See: The Spine's 'back story' ] including a few from their busking days.

Most of the stage comedy is banter-related. The Spine usually plays the straight man in these episodes, but he has his nerdy moments.


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Random Reasons to love Steam Powered Giraffe

Anyone who knows me also knows that I love all colours of anything out of this band. They're weird. They're quirky. They have a story and a lore and an entire universe growing organically from something that started as four college kids busking in the street.

But today's reason to love them is this: The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Check out the way Rabbit moves in both of these music clips. One from once upon a time

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lopbunnyboy: So here's the skinny:On July 31st, me and my fiance, mosteamybeats, are to be OUT of my grandparent's apartment. The...


So here’s the skinny:

On July 31st, me and my fiance, mosteamybeats, are to be OUT of my grandparent’s apartment. The landladies have said that even though we’re “good kids, who don’t cause any problems”, they don’t believe in people living with their parents. So we have to be moved out by the end of the month. Sucks, we know.

We’ve tried looking for apartments in the last few months, but because I can’t

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Three hundred and sixty-six stories a day, saved here in easy-accessformat - plus an extra bonus story! No need to go trawling through the...

Three hundred and sixty-six stories a day, saved here in
easy-accessformat - plus an extra bonus story! No need to go trawling
through the author’s blog for the originals. Every spelling error and
factual mistake has been corrected for your convenience. One year of
hard work, and you decide the price!

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T'reka just wanted to learn. Unfortunately for her, her entire species views scientific thinking as a form of insanity. And when she wants...

T'reka just wanted to learn. Unfortunately for her, her entire species
views scientific thinking as a form of insanity. And when she wants to
learn all about the various venomous, poisonous, and outright deadly
life forms on a land mass named Toxic Island, you can almost see why.
Little did she know that when she committed her life to the study of
this strange and hostile land, there was already a colony of monsters
setting up housekeeping. Now she’s face-to-face

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