Please Reblog

A 7-post collection

T'reka just wanted to learn. Unfortunately for her, her entire species views scientific thinking as a form of insanity. And when she wants...

T'reka just wanted to learn. Unfortunately for her, her entire species views scientific thinking as a form of insanity. And when she wants to learn all about the various venomous, poisonous, and outright deadly life forms on a land mass named Toxic Island, you can almost see why. Little did she know that when she committed her life to the study of this strange and hostile land, there was already a colony of monsters setting up housekeeping. Now she’s face-to-face with the most dangerous life form in the known universe, and desperately trying to forge peace with the horrible creatures twice her size and four times her weight! They call themselves… HUMANS! [We’re mostly harmless, we swear.]


Actual free titles from C. M. Weller! You - yes you - can get these lovingly hand-crafted stories for absolutely nothing! You can just walk...

Actual free titles from C. M. Weller!

You - yes you - can get these lovingly hand-crafted stories for absolutely nothing! You can just walk away with all of these titles in your personal e-reader.

You can get:


These are all short stories so they need not take up your time. And since they’re e-books, you can read them anywhere that you can carry your e-reader of choice!


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Throughout 2013, author C. M. Weller wrote a story a day, every day, based on challenges submitted via Tumblr users across the globe. Three...

Throughout 2013, author C. M. Weller wrote a story a day, every day, based on challenges submitted via Tumblr users across the globe.

Three hundred and sixty-five hand-crafted stories from that year are collected here for your convenience.

No scrolling necessary! No need to plough through Tumblr archives! No need to google that thing, just open up your copy of One Year of Instants and look it up or read it again!

And what’s the price? You’d normally

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The entire trilogy available now at Smashwords. How much would you expect to pay for a complete trilogy at a brick-and-mortar bookstore?...

The entire trilogy available now at Smashwords.

How much would you expect to pay for a complete trilogy at a brick-and-mortar bookstore? I’ve seen trilogies selling for anywhere between $30 and $100, depending on the fame of the author.

Well, for this trilogy you don’t have to pay $30. You don’t even have to pay as much as $10.

You get three books made of lovingly-handcrafted electrons for the less than $6!

Less than six dollars!

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Now complete at Smashwords and all other good e-retailers! The entire Hevun’s Child trilogy! You would pay less for all three of these...

Now complete at Smashwords and all other good e-retailers!

The entire Hevun’s Child trilogy!

You would pay less for all three of these books than you would for one book in a regular, brick-and-mortar bookstore! Why would anyone want to miss out on a deal like this?

Tell the author you bought the whole series and get some really pathetic and enthusiastic gratitude!

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Every day throughout 2013, Author C.M. Weller undertook the challenge to write a story a day, every day, based on whatever crap the internet...

Every day throughout 2013, Author C.M. Weller undertook the challenge to write a story a day, every day, based on whatever crap the internet in general and Tumblr specifically chose to put in hir inbox.

These are those stories.

Three hundred and sixty-five tales guaranteed to make you laugh, cry, and wonder what the hell this Author is taking in hir tea.

All yours for the low, low price of whatever the heck you want to pay. Click the pic and

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Coming soon to all good eBook stores near YOU! [Late 2014 - early 2015] Beta-readers are now going through over one hundred and twenty...

Coming soon to all good eBook stores near YOU!

[Late 2014 - early 2015]

Beta-readers are now going through over one hundred and twenty thousand hand-crafted words for your reading pleasure. We carefully select the best words in the best combinations to ensure that your science fiction is not only plausible, but also fun and enjoyable to read.

We care about your reading comfort.

Watch this blog for further bulletins, and be sure to spread the word.

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