Throughout 2013, author C. M. Weller wrote a story a day, every day, based on challenges submitted via Tumblr users across the globe.
Three hundred and sixty-five hand-crafted stories from that year are collected here for your convenience.
No scrolling necessary! No need to plough through Tumblr archives! No need to google that thing, just open up your copy of One Year of Instants and look it up or read it again!
And what’s the price? You’d normally expect to pay as much as $80 for an anthology of this volume, but because of its lightweight ASCII construction, we can offer it to you for much less!
You don’t have to pay $50!
You don’t have to pay $20!
You can own your very own personal carry-anywhere copy of One Year of Instants for anything you want!
That’s right! It’s a pay-what-you-want title! You can pay $0 if you want to.
[WARNING: Paying $0 for a years’ worth of work will get you a case of Stink-eye from the author and drastically reduce the likelihood of another anthology ever being published]