
A 7-post collection

First of Many - InterNutter - Steam Powered Giraffe [Archive of Our Own]

First of Many - InterNutter - Steam Powered Giraffe [Archive of Our Own]

And finished on time. Whew.

At much cost to my poor wrists.

I shall write my daily 500 words for my novel MUCH slower, tonight. OW.

Should I offend anyone - do let me know. I am capable of learning from my mistakes.

thefinespine: just another typical peteriris sketch pile, sort of lackluster today, sort of inspired by this fic which is kind of like a...


just another typical peteriris sketch pile, sort of lackluster today, sort of inspired by this fic which is kind of like a circle looping in on itself but not really

It is an enormous thrill to get fan art happening. Even if it is fan art based on a fanfic that, in turn, was based on the fan art by the same artist.

We synergise well, do we not?

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