Check Out My Scribble

A 1-post collection

My time stalking the postie is not wasted, dear readers. As long as I have a notebook and pen, I am never bored. Behold, a sneak peek at...

My time stalking the postie is not wasted, dear readers. As long as I have a notebook and pen, I am never bored. Behold, a sneak peek at some Amalgam Universe sci-fi in my spidery, messy longhand.

People able to decipher this may be drafted into transferring my scrawl into nice, neat typing, because I have the regrettable flaw of reading my stories instead of transposing them. Heheh.

Writing by hand hurts my wrist more than typing does. Yet another reason why I swapped from manual to digital writing.

I may give this out for free when it’s done. What say you?