Two years’ of work. 736 stories. Many of them individually tailored according to reader input.
All yours for incredibly low prices. Come down the rabbit hole and see how deep it goes: Buy my books!

Two years’ of work. 736 stories. Many of them individually tailored according to reader input.
All yours for incredibly low prices. Come down the rabbit hole and see how deep it goes: Buy my books!
The best First-Contact novel ever written? You decide!
Buy it. Read it. Leave a review. Tell your friends. Share quotable quotes with people on Facebook.
Hell, I’d love to see fanart and know that fanfic existed :)Seven Hundred and Thirty-two stories. Two anthologies.
All inspired by prompts from readers just like you!
You can own all of these in collated collections, cleansed of catastrophic errata and just plain doofus mistakes.
You can own One Year of Instants and One Leap Year of Instants for anything you care to pay! [Please pay actual money, I need it]
Sahra only wanted one thing - a better life for her family. Unfortunately, she’s currently on the bottom end of the status ladder and literally has no power over anything.
Until she meets some of the rebels and discovers her mental powers are more than anyone would assume, leading her into a rollercoaster ride of stealth and intrigue that culminates in her becoming an Ambassador for her people.
You can own the entire trilogy for less than $6!
Read more »T'reka just wanted to learn. Unfortunately for her, her entire species
views scientific thinking as a form of insanity. And when she wants to
learn all about the various venomous, poisonous, and outright deadly
life forms on a land mass named Toxic Island, you can almost see why.
Little did she know that when she committed her life to the study of
this strange and hostile land, there was already a colony of monsters
setting up housekeeping. Now she’s face-to-face
Specially gathered and collated for your convenience. All prior spelling mistakes and errata corrected for your comfort.
A minimum of three hundred and sixty-five stories per anthology.
Stories carefully crafted from prompts submitted by people like you!
No challenge is too great. No prompt too stumping. No injury too dire to stop this author from cranking out yet another instant story from your prompts!
What would you pay for an anthology of this quality? $25? $10?
Well you can! You can own
Read more »Sahra Johnston started as the lowest class of slave. Then at six, she
accidentally joined the rebellion against her masters and gave her new
allies more than a few nefarious ideas. By the age of nine, she’d turned
five systems on their heads and faced down people who could literally eat her alive. And now she’s toe-to-toe against the united forces of the
Galactic Alliance.
Hevun help THEM.
Part three of the Hevun’s Child Trilogy! Yours for
Read more »Read more »Things are not going well for the Rebellion. Their leading strategical
genius is missing, presumed dead. Complete with a tearful farewell.
Enemy forces herded her into certain death. Their only hope is to
continue trying the tricks she taught them, and praying for salvation.
But the Majestrix -may she die a million excruciating deaths- is lording
her small victory over her political rivals. And when a message comes to the Rebellion from an enemy listening post that isn’t a listening
Read more »Sahra was on the opposite side of the station to Ore Processing when it
blew up. For a tunnel rat and a slave, this means nothing but trouble.
But for Sahra, that’s just the beginning.
Her people need a Saviour
to lead them to freedom, but no such person dare volunteer with the
Masters’ guns ready to fire at all times. What harm could there be in
doing a few things to help the Saviour finally turn up?
Sorry, my dear peeps, but callmegallifreya is currently best follower for taking the time and the effort to detail all the tropes they could find in The Amity Incident
Thank you and bless.
I understand linking back from those references is going to take more time than you might have. This is already a mighty effort.
All my hugs to you, today.Read more »The first grand experiment and the solution to writer’s block! Own the very first collection of a years’ worth of stories… for any price you name!
Pay actual money for this book and receive a virtual smooch from the author!
You can still own the entire Hevun’s Child Trilogy for less than $6 USD!
The first published Amalgam Universe books are still available to own on your e-reader of choice! Buy now, and earn some sycophantic gratitude from the author!
Three hundred and sixty-six stories a day, saved here in
easy-accessformat - plus an extra bonus story! No need to go trawling
through the author’s blog for the originals. Every spelling error and
factual mistake has been corrected for your convenience. One year of
hard work, and you decide the price!
Read more »T'reka just wanted to learn. Unfortunately for her, her entire species
views scientific thinking as a form of insanity. And when she wants to
learn all about the various venomous, poisonous, and outright deadly
life forms on a land mass named Toxic Island, you can almost see why.
Little did she know that when she committed her life to the study of
this strange and hostile land, there was already a colony of monsters
setting up housekeeping. Now she’s face-to-face
If you can’t buy them, then encourage others to buy them for you. If you don’t want to read my writings [why the hell do you follow me?] then at least show my stuff off to friends and family who might like my style.
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