Challenge #00556 - A181: Mwa-hahahahaha

Mad scientists are real, lurking in academia.  Sure, they may not wield death rays and threaten the populace, but when a presentation ending in “Today, Australia! Tomorrow, THE WORLD!” receives thunderous applause, and your adviser’s name is literally Dr. Fatal, you begin to realize that your childhood dream of showing them, SHOWING THEM ALL is more realizable than you thought…..

Doctor Fatal was still giggling as she stepped away from the podium. That was a good sign.

“I’m almost obligated to do this,” said Dr Fatal. She pointed and sang, “You’re a me-ga-lo-may-nee-ac! You’re a me-ga-lo-may-nee-ac!”

“When your name’s Yvil, you gotta do a few things. It’s obligatory. Especially with a supervisor Fatal.”

“You’ve still got the bigger hurdle of getting the government to agree with it.”

Yvil made a face. “Urgh. Yuck. We all know the Australian government doesn’t do anything sensible until America does it. Maybe I should convince them.”

“I suppose robots programmed to quell opposition are out of the question?” joked Fatal.

“Yeah, nah. You can’t get the funding.”

Which turned out to be the best joke of the evening.

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