Challenge #00034:

End a story with this line: “She only knew it was going to be messy, however it ended.”

Karin had a problem with clean. Firstly, it never made sense; because the first thing that happened to clean was that someone pretty much instantly made it ‘un’ in short order. Secondly, she could never really do it. Her attempts at clean always ended badly.

And Mom loved clean. Loved it beyond all reason.

And today was Mother’s Day. The one day that good children did special things for mothers that the mothers would love.

Karin woke up extra early to get a start. She had a plan. And the best of plans were simple ones.

Bacon and eggs, on a plate, on a tray, with a cup of coffee. And a vase with some flowers for the garden.

And, as a special effort, Karin would clean up after herself.

That was the plan.

The eggs did not behave. The bacon spat and bit her. Water went everywhere at the slightest provocation. Karin wanted to cry, but she kept trying. She had to be brave. She was, after all, nearly almost four.

She only knew it was going to be messy, however it ended.

[Muse fodder remaining: 3. Submit a prompt or ask a question!]