Challenge #00033: Baby Monster

Graydon Creed and Mr. Kian get into an argument about mutants in school, power, decency and misogyny, which also demonstrates to Kian how much of a terror Graydon could be when he’s older.

“Now, I understand you used a slur in a public arena, mmkay?”

“Mutie is not a slur. It’s what they are.”

“Mmkay. That word you just used, the new M word? Mmkay, that’s a slur, mmkay… It’s just not cool to use slurs.”

“It’s not a slur. It’s what they are. You call ‘em that.”

“No. We don’t. What they are is mutants, mmkay? That other word is hurtful because it infantalizes and trivializes the entire deal, mmkay?”

Graydon fumed. “The entire deal is those types don’t even belong in a school. They belong in a zoo.”

“So anybody with a mutation belongs in a zoo?”


There had to be a way to make him understand. “I heard your mom has diabetes.”

“What’s that got to do with anything?”

“Diabetes is also a mutation, mmkay? So if you had the power, you’d round up everyone with diabetes and put them in zoos for other folks to stare at? Even your own mom?”

Graydon thought about this. “You’re right.”

Kian smiled in anticipation.

“Camps’d be way better. Keep 'em out of sight. Easier to kill if they got uppity.”

The smile died an agonizing death on his face. Even if he tried to warn the authorities, they would ignore it. Despite the fact that this boy had just agreed to the concept of placing his own mother in a camp, he was still a straight white football star with a college scholarship and a bright future. In politics.

They’d ignore the monster until it ate them up.

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