Steven Universe

A 21-post collection

rose-qtz: "You just think about the life you'll have together after the war, and you do it for her. That's how you know you can win!" Ok...


“You just think about the life you’ll have together after the war, and you do it for her. That’s how you know you can win!”

Ok so…

1) everyone head cannons that this is Jasper fused with some other gem

2) Jasper admired Rose’s tactics in battle

3) What if THIS is what she was talking about?

Pearl throwing herself in harm’s way at the last instant. Pearl sacrificing herself for Rose.

It wasn&

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tmcb:squidbles:If you're male and watch Steven Universe, then watch Steven Universe. You don't need a useless fandom tag like "Gemtlemen" or...



If you’re male and watch Steven Universe, then watch Steven Universe. 

You don’t need a useless fandom tag like “Gemtlemen” or “Gembro” or “Bro Brobrobro” to do it, just watch it as is. Dumb tags like that are as useless as those awkward “This is not a KIDS show” posts that people use to justify watching certain shows. 

Just watch the shows you enjoy and just chill. 

Plus, you don’t need to “bro” anything up to justify

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Steven Universe brain fart

The episode Monster Buddies got me thinking.

During the transformation sequence where the gem transforms into Centipeedle, it briefly takes a humanoid form.

All the monsters have gems. So do the Crystal Gems.

Maybe… Maybe the monsters are Gems who got corrupted by evil forces. Rose Quartz was trying to heal them…

Steven may be the anti corruption force the corrupted Gems need.

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