Hello! My name’s Molly (pen name Marie Bellamont) and I created Jester’s Athenaeum. It’s an ongoing collection of short stories that can be read either individually or as a series. Some are black comedy, some are just silly parody-like humor, all are surreal fantasy. I post them online so that they can be accessed for free, but accept donations from those who are willing and able to pay what they think the stories are worth.
Jester’s Athenaeum has only been up since late April so it isn’t very well-known yet, but so far the vast majority of readers have had really good things to say about it! My hope is to get the word out so that more people will discover and hopefully enjoy the content, but that usually takes a while when one just sort of lets it happen on its own and it’s REALLY urgent that this process speeds up at the moment.
The situation is this: I’m currently eight months pregnant (my baby, Finn, is due August 18.)
(This little guy!)
Because of the physical effects that come with late pregnancy, I’ve been unable to work a regular amount of hours. It’s actually pretty bad: I’ve been cut from 24-40 hours a week to <10 and so not only am I unable to save up for maternity leave (unpaid cause I live in America), but I’m needing to cut into what little savings I WAS able to scrape together because I’m just not making a living income at work anymore. Finn’s biological dad walked off the face of the earth back in March so he is absolutely no help, financially or otherwise. (His loss in general, but it doesn’t help the current situation.)
All that means that the donations I mentioned earlier, which are usually just a non-essential supplement to my income, are now a VERY NECESSARY supplement that will soon become MY ENTIRE INCOME up until probably the beginning of October. (Medically, since my job is physically demanding, I’m obligated to stay on leave for six weeks unless I’m given a written release from my doctor.)
Now, I know that very few people are able to donate. To be honest I actually feel really guilty accepting donations from people who don’t read my stories (even though they’re super appreciated, it feels like charging for a service and not delivering.) Therefore if you’d like to donate and have the means to do so, that’s really great and would definitely help us out quite a bit! Mainly what I’m asking, though, is for you to check out the website, read some stories, and help spread the word if you like them! It would also help to like the Facebook page or follow the official JA tumblr. Really anything involving talking about or bringing any more attention to the website would make a whole world of difference for my and my son’s current situation, so I’d really, really appreciate it!
Additional info about the stories: New stories are (to the extent that I’m able to deliver) posted every Sunday. The general rule is that if a title is some kind of carnival terminology, it means it’s black comedy. Please feel free to shoot me a message about anything, whether it be related to JA, baby Finn, or whatever else.
Thanks so much for your time!
Please help Molly and baby Finn! She’s a rockstar of a single momma and my hero. There’s also the Target gift registry for baby items for Finn, so if you want to give in a way that’s a little more tangible, here’s the link for that too!
Remember when I said I didn’t know what to do because someone was using my art for a game that I was never paid for were I did a VERY large portion of the art used? And I asked to please not use my art?
After seeing how successful Love Your Artist week was, and all the love that went around there, I thought it might be nice to keep some of that going, and do something cool, specifically for fic authors.
Fan fiction authors give so much to fandoms, whether they post fics once a day or once every couple of months. It takes a lot of effort and guts to not only write pieces, but to share them with the internet, however, they do
This fundraiser is for our friend Clara and her immediate need to leave
her current living situation with her abusive and trans-misogynistic
family in Venezuela, where she has no support and is under scrutiny and
emotional attack daily. She has a home and community here in North
Carolina, but no way of affording the cost of a passport, Visa, and
flights here not to mention immigration costs. This fundraiser is an
attempt to get things
This fund raiser isn't even at 10%. Please spread this.
"Donate if you believe in the power of education. Donate if you believe in human rights. Donate if you are a friend. Donate if you are a social worker. Donate if you are a student. Donate if you believe that the ASU School of Social Work should never have participated in the arrest of one of its own
On July 31st, me and my fiance, mosteamybeats, are to be OUT of my grandparent’s apartment. The landladies have said that even though we’re “good kids, who don’t cause any problems”, they don’t believe in people living with their parents. So we have to be moved out by the end of the month. Sucks, we know.
We’ve tried looking for apartments in the last few months, but because I can’t
Unarmed black teen William Chapman, killed by police officer who just came off suspension for killing.
On April 22, the Portsmouth, Virginia, Police Department claimed that 18-year-old William Chapman was suspected of shoplifting from a local Walmart. Completely unarmed, he was shot in the face and killed by an officer with a record so heinous that it is criminal he was ever allowed on the force in the first place.
Hey everyone, if you haven’t heard yet, we’re promoting Aberford as a Concept on Steam Greenlight (it’s sort of a dress rehersal for an actual Greenlight Campaign). If you have a few minutes, would you do us a big favor and upvote us? Currently, we’re ranked #74 out of 4442, but I think we can crack the top 50 with your help.
Doing well in the concept helps us gauge how well we might do in a
I’ve just been hit by the worst case of art theft in my life. My fan illustration, The Great Wave off Kanto, is being sold on phone cases through some of the shadiest websites I’ve ever seen, and there’s nothing I can do to contact them.
Most of these sites have contact pages, but their emails bounce, their phone numbers are fake, and the American addresses they list show empty farms and fields on google maps. The
Yes, yes. I know. It sounds like yet another movie based on a Disney ride. And we all still remember how Pirates of the Caribbean turned out.
But this one… does things a little differently.
And better yet, it shows evidence that Disney is learning from its past abominations mistakes.
For starters, it’s a girl’s hero-journey disguised as a guy’s. Viewers are supposed to think it’s all about George Clooney rather than the starry-eyed Britt Robertson’s.
Please sign this petition to get the Great Barrier Reef listed as a World Heritage Site. You can have a hand in stopping Scabbott from ploughing it all under so he can sell more coal.
I’m upset that its come to this but it has. I need help. We have no money and my dad isn’t even paying child support anymore. I don’t have money for the college confirmation, books or classes, and I have no idea how we are going to handle classes, books, rooming, or the meal plan. I’m a good student (3.7 GPA as of right now) but my high school is so competitive that I