can we just like, all agree to boycott tumblr for 24 hours to show the staff that we’re pissed about the update? because they have to track usage and stuff like that, and I feel like it would send a pretty big message if enough people did it. like nothing fancy, just don’t use tumblr from 12:00am to 11:59pm, one whole day of nothing, not even mobile blogging. maybe set up one queue’d post explaining why you’re boycotting (so anyone that doesn’t get the memo would know what’s up) but other than that maybe even stop queues (just for the day) to help send the message.
I’d propose Wednesday, September 9th as the day. That’s one week after the update, one week to give it a try, one week to show the staff that we’re not just overreacting to change (the way people are apt to do on the internet) but are serious about not liking the way they’ve changed our blogging experience. That also gives us a week to get this post around the site: long enough to spread it around, but not so long that people forget that we’re going to do this. Maybe set a reminder on your phone or computer so that you don’t forget. I’ll be posting in the tag #updateboycott throughout the week for general reminders and to answer any questions/suggestions.
And please, reblog this. The only way this will work is if enough people see this post and participate to make a difference.
so tl;dr: hate the update? join the boycott of tumblr on Wednesday, September 9th from 12:00am to 11:59pm by just not using tumblr that day.
also: different timezones are a thing, so wouldnt it be ultra cool if we all agreed on 24 hours in the same timezone? so it really makes the biggest possible impact?
I realized that after I made the original post. The boycott will begin at midnight on the american east coast, which means:
9pm Sept 8th PST (US & Canada West Coast)
10pm Sept 8th MDT (US & Canada Mountain)
11pm Sept 8th CDT (US & Canada Central)
12am Sept 9th EST (US East Coast)
5am Sept 9th GMT (England)
6am Sept 9th CET (Central Europe)
1pm Sept 9th JST (Japan)
3pm Sept 9th NZST (New Zealand)
1pm, 2:30pm, and 3pm Sept 9th (Australia)
thanks to everyone who’s pointing this out, please try to reblog this with the times on it!
There are approximately 4 million Syrians who are now trying to escape death in Syria. Many are stranded, lost, suffering or already dead. These are called “War Refugees” not “Migrants”. Thousands are already living below poverty line in camps and tents in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Greece, and thousands are trying to reach Europe because thats their last hope. They are not after your tax money
On September the 9th, 2015, there is going to be a Tumblr strike if the new update is not cleaned up for better readability.
Instead of a story. Instead of reblogs. Instead of my usual inanity.
All you will see from me on that day, is this gif.
staff, you dun goofed. Instead of making this site more accessible, you made it very much less so. All you have to do is remove those bloody stupid mini-icons. That’s it. Why is
So most of us (if not all) already know about the ten thousand conspiracy theories the fandom has been coming up with lately. I for one would like to see more of other people’s contributions to the theories without scrolling through pages and pages of the “#vice quadrant” tag. So what I propose is that we use the tag “#spg illuminati confirmed” for our conspiracy theories. I have to credit singing-circuitry for the idea, since they came up with it
my name is kylie (or) stephanie. i’m 20 years old and live in niagara falls ontario. this city is regarded as one full of homophobia and transmisogyny as ive been told by many LGBT individuals. this morning i received two very stressful anon messages.
shortly following my response to this message, this was sent
the pixelated text is my current address. these are being sent by somebody who knows where i live. i
Recently, my mum and stepdad have been physically hitting my dog, Loki. Whenever he would bark or hide under the bed, they would shout at him and punch him, sometimes even kick him.
My mum is threatening to put him down, and I know he doesn’t deserve that. I need someone, most preferably in Tasmania, to look after him, please. I don’t want to see him being put in another chokehold or being dragged out from under the
For those of you who don’t already know, there is a petition going around to actually stock binders in stores (like Walmart/Kmart/Target etc.)!!!
ALSO, people who don’t bind. Please, can I have your attention?
Here is your chance to exercise your allyship. Sign this petition. It can be very, very difficult for people who bind to get access to effective binders. They often resort to harmful things (like tape) that can break their ribs or suffocate
“Recognize the KluKluxKlan as a domestic terrorist organization & make their eradication a Homeland Security priority.” There are 24,980 signatures by far and 75,020 is needed.
Oh, excuse me… “permanently deferred”. After spending nearly five hours in there on my day off, I was finally told that my being trans made me ineligible to donate. You know, because of the hormones? You know, the hormones that everyone has? The ones that probably aren’t even in plasma because plasma is just a liquid medium with no cells? I’m not a scientist, but that seems like fucking bullshit to me.
usually my prices are a lil different when i do commissions, but rn i feel like doing something small, quick, and easy for everyone involved. seriously, these take like, no time at all to do, so if u need a character drawn— whether its your favorite character ever of all time, or if you need an oc drawn, hopefully im there. if you want me to be there, i mean!!
They are selling artwork they have found randomly online without permission from the artist. Today I found out I was a victim of their scheme and have since reported my works demanding they be taken down. [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ] [ x ]
Many other artist both known and unknown have become victims of these thieves [x]. Fellow artist please
So my really good friend dashuramod‘s cat needs surgery asap or he’ll have to be put down. D: More info here but basically, the procedure’s expensive. So Dash set up a donate button on her page to help cover the cost.
If you donate any amount, I will write a drabble or sentence-fic for you! Just message Dash when you donate!
Fandoms include but are not necessarily limited to: Danny Phantom, Fullmetal Alchemist, Supernatural, Superphantom, LOTR/Hobbit, Merlin,
help out a black single mom trying to do right by her child living with a disability!
i went to school with one of her daughters and i can vouch for the fact that they are a phenomenal family who really need your help! the money raised will be used to enroll 10-year old Ty into an intensive physical therapy program that will help him walk more securely on his own.