Does it work better with the glowing moebius wheel?
I’m still worried about the title font. Is the colour good? Does it look like it’s floating off the page?
Does this look cool and unnerving?

Does it work better with the glowing moebius wheel?
I’m still worried about the title font. Is the colour good? Does it look like it’s floating off the page?
Does this look cool and unnerving?
Read more »I can’t art. It’s obvious.
Alas, I also lack the resources to purchase pro-level art for a book that will never pay me back.
My usual design consultant [aka best-beloved SO] is too busy to help me before the October 4 publication date.
So. Speaking as someone who lacks design skills to everyone who actually has them: What do I need to do to make this cover look cool?
My goal is simple, but slightly “off”. Like a