Humanised Fluttershy by me
[Also put on my Deviant Art account Dec 26th]

Humanised Fluttershy by me
[Also put on my Deviant Art account Dec 26th]
Humanised Pinkie Pie by me
[Also put on my Deviant Art account Dec 26th]
Humanised Applejack by me
[Also put on my Deviant Art account on Dec 26th]
Humanised Rarity by me
[Also put on my Deviant Art account Dec 26th]
Humanised Twilight Sparkle by me
[Also uploaded to my Deviant Art account on Dec 26th]
Humanised Rainbow Dash by me
[Posted on my Deviant Art account Dec 26th]
I came up with this one to explain how the ponies reproduce without apparent genetalia. Also to explain pony reproduction in as safe a G-rated manner as possible, without excluding GLBT coupling
Warning: There is a sad patch.
The Talk
“Applejack, can ah aks ya a question?”
Applejack kept working as she spoke, “Ain’t nothin’ so far ‘as stopped ya.”
“Where do foals come from?”
Whoah nelly. She’d been dreading
Two of mine posted :3 I feel so blessed! ::hearts::
I bet it was those stupid pegasuseseseses’ fault!
Hee hee :D This is one of mine :3 [though not with the bit about pegasususes]
Your show, and its associated toy line, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic have been out for more than a year.
Selling stuff to girls should be important to you.
Not just important-in-america-important. Globally important.
You are doubtless aware that your show has gone viral. You know that people everywhere are clamouring for your product.
I, personally, would love to own legal copies of the show. And give legal copies to my friends and family.
Alas, that cannot be.
Just like the
Read more »It’s inevitable, really.
The instant you mention you like My Little Pony, you get asked “Who’s your favourite?”
Isn’t it okay to love them all?
I don’t choose favourites. The things I love, I love equally as much. Love is a fountain that never diminishes, to me. It should be shared as such.
Which is why my imaginary harem contains a shapeshifter, a giant purple talking crab thing, and three different versions
Read more »I thought I’d take a break from OWS for a bit to discuss my writing. It is why I started this blog in the first place. Thinking of something to write every day has had me quasi-geared towards finding material for my blog. Great.
But it’s been keeping me from my indfic.
Thank goodness for fanfic.
I love writing fanfic. There’s so much less one has to explain, keep straight, or look up. An admired writer
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