
A 1-post collection

tomithejellyfish: people who correct your grammar on the internet are the lowest forms of life like you understand what im saying you just...


people who correct your grammar on the internet are the lowest forms of life like you understand what im saying you just have a petty superiority complex it’s not even like you want me to learn proper grammar you’re just being a little shitlord who wants to feel like you’re better and smarter than someone you’re unnecessary and i pity you

Sorry, Tom, but there are some of us out there who feel every grammatical error like a sharp and cankerous wound, or a nigh-unreachable itch that can only be soothed by jumping upon that error and annihilating it worse than any berserker Norseman could ever manage.

We don’t want to win the argument that way. Hell, sometimes we don’t even care about the argument.

We just. Want. To fix that.