
A 1-post collection

Sea Dragoness for Hire.: amnesiac-sara: Sea Dragoness for Hire.: Location: Stinger Peninsula....

Sea Dragoness for Hire.: amnesiac-sara: Sea Dragoness for Hire.: Location: Stinger Peninsula....




Sea Dragoness for Hire.: Location: Stinger Peninsula. Population: one lost and lonely mutant...


Birds and assorted winged creatures filled the air.

Sara had her best Stage Voice out. Reaching the cheap seats... or, in this case, the foothills of the...

“Contrariwise,” argued Sara, “if I'm hallucinating, you might not be here. I think I'm somewhat used to blue-ish friendly people and you could well be a conglomeration of folks I can't quite remember. And you're just the sort of help I'm hoping for.”

Reality, though, kept intervening. If she was hallucinating, she certainly wouldn't bother hallucinating little details like the spreading stains of blood and other fluids on everything she touched[1].

Or the small flock of prickles in her legs.

“Okay. Hallucination or not, I need medical care. And since you're not arguing with me in my own vocabulary, I'm willing to take a chance.” Sara pressed a recessed button in the middle of her staff that retracted it into itself until it was the approximate size of a soda can. “I should warn you I think I may have a Thing about heights.” She tucked the retracted staff away in her belt and bought out some foam ear-plugs.

“At least... I think that's what these are for.”

[1] Anything liquid with a potenital to stain gets EVERYWHERE under Sara's influence.

[OOC: She's going to be screaming the entire trip. Sara has a BIG thing about heights]

She took a wary step towards Sara.

“I will carry you now. Please, don't be too lou. My ears are very sensitive.” Gratefully, she put the earplugs into her ears. She took Sara into her arms, bridal style. She then leaped into the air, and headed towards the alchemist's shop.

“Hold on to me, Miss Sara!” Dessie hollered above the wind. “And if you're head starts hurting, tell me immeadiately!”

It was a good thing the girl was so light. If she was too heavy the trip might be slower.

Headaches were not a problem when Vertigo is hooning[1] around at the steering wheel. Screaming obscenities out the window and throwing debris at other higher cognitive functions.

The instant the tops of the trees became visible, Sara tensed up. Shut her eyes. Concentrated on her breathing.

“I'mnotgonnabesick. I'mnotgonnabesick. I'mnotgonnabesick. I'mnotgonnabesickI'mnotgonnabesickI'mnotgonnabesickI'mnotgonnabesickI'mnotgonnabesickI'mnotgonnabesickI'mnotgonnabesick…”

[1] Hooning: [Aus] Acting like an irresponsible person whilst in charge of a vehicle. Hoons seem to believe that they are permanently on a show track and that heavy bass attracts the opposite sex. No, I don’t know how this works.

[OOC: Insert scream gag at will.]

[OOC: FUCK! I posted this in the wrong account! AIGH!]