Fic Request

A 2-post collection

trekkiebeth: Sorting photos and watching BTTF III. I see some similar themes here. And this is how crossovers get made. [I’m busy...


Sorting photos and watching BTTF III. I see some similar themes here.

And this is how crossovers get made.

[I’m busy now, but Doc Brown meets the bots across time would be kinda cool. Especially if the first time they meet, the bots are all, “Oh, it’s you again.”]

trekkiebeth: Steam Powered Giraffe | photo by trekkiebeth I love this photo and I don’t know why. The Spine looks like he has a gap...


Steam Powered Giraffe | photo by trekkiebeth

I love this photo and I don’t know why.

The Spine looks like he has a gap in his teeth.

Rabbit looks terrified of the audience.

And Hatchworth is all, “Yay! I can play a guitar!”

…and then I start wanting fic of how that even happened…

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