Men: Don’t look like a trash can
Women: “Look pretty enough to show you’re a woman” because the only thing that matters to be a woman is to be beautiful, also “covered enough to look like a lady” because showing your shoulder will make every man in the audience simaltaneously ejaculate and it will be a big mess. Also if someone stares at your tits and not your face, it’s your fault and you should be ashamed of yourself and your disgusting, lustful body.This is disgusting
I would fucking go there in a suit and fake beard.
“What? you said “modesty”. According to you, men clothing are modest by nature, so here I am: dressed like a man. Fuck you.”
Let’s see how many ways we can all incense the people who wrote these rules without actually breaking them.
So far I have:
- Nun habit
- Victorian formal dress
- Gentleman’s suit (in pink, so they know you’re a woman)
- A fucking cardboard box that covers your shoulders and chest, but not your midriff. Worn with an “earth mother” floor-length skirt
- Anything that reads “My face is up here”
- A Khaftan with the word “WOMAN” over most of it and “FACE” near the neck. Helpful arrow optional.
- Monk’s robes
- Feminine plate armour
- Samos cosplay
- Full Lolita frills with a longer style of skirt
- A dress made out of a potato sack.
- A fucking ball gown
- Anything you like with a goddamn BLACK BODY STOCKING underneath
- Green Screen Suit [“What? You want me to be invisible anyway…”]
- Butterfly dress
- Full Starfleet Uniform
- Dinosaur exosuit [Just come to school as a fucking velociraptor. Do it]
- Anything formless that you can print your resumé on
- White tie and tails
- Fursuit
- Dominatrix outfit with flat heel shoes
- And my favourite: Jeans and a Geeky T-shirt with sandshoes.
What other things can we do to mess these people up?