For sale now at Smashwords! There was a stall selling icons, on the way back to her home/farm. Most of them were of the Saviour doing...

For sale now at Smashwords!

There was a stall selling icons, on the way back to her home/farm. Most of them were of the Saviour doing miraculous things. Calling down yellow rain on the Tu'att. Making the walls bleed. All the miracles that had happened both before and after the Othersiders came.

One stood out.

The Saviour blessing a little girl in a gold sheath. Pointing to the angel of death and making that angel shrink away.


The way it was posed…

It almost looked like Sahra was blessing the Saviour.

Ma paid more for it than it was probably worth and ran all the way home with it clutched tight to her chest. Sahra never talked about her secret work, unless it was figuring out what to do with her rat patrol.

Her fellow rats were clever. They’d have worked it out.

Sahra did all the miracle-ing. With their help. Ali the Saviour was just a handy figurehead.

And Sahra liked it that way.

Ma put the little icon in her bedroom. So she’d wake up and see it every morning.

Sahra. The story of Sahra braving Death’s Gate, only to find that the angel of death had shrunk away.

Ma had no doubt that the true story was far messier.

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