Alright. One more. Tried to use the female Rabbit build for the outer portion of the design, not sure it worked out.
I shouldn’t stay up late… because as I created this Venice Carnival mask of Rabbit’s face (which was practically one already) I kept thinking how the Carnival there seemed less like a big fun party and more like a Comicon on LSD… It looks like the kind of party you’d invite your enemies to instead of friends, if you know what I mean. And bring down some big steamy vengeance. So as I drew I heard this odd little story in my head…
“This is my palace of crystal, open to the public today only. I have spent many years building it with the walls I have been offered by others, with the aid of those who have reinforced the walls. Come inside, a banquet awaits. What will you drink? We have bitter wine and sweet poison. The sweet poison I have reserved for those who made and reinforced my walls; only you may drink, and drink you must. And when you have had all you can take of it, I will carry on drinking the bitter wine in the palace of crystal, the cold palace that is my heart.”
Drawing Carnival masks at night is creepy.
I may go back and redo this with different coloring, maybe one of the more traditional mask designs for the outer portion. It was a lot cooler when I had just done the line work.
holy fuq that is made out of awesome
(All I can ever manage is a scribbly-sketch. I am totes jelly)
Now do all the bots as creepy carnival masks :D