adu101: trekkiebeth: bunnybennett: trekkiebeth: trekkiebeth: I swear, one of these days I'm going to show up to the zoo with a pair of...






I swear, one of these days I’m going to show up to the zoo with a pair of pruning shears and get those stupid bushes under control.

Wow, 160 notes on my silly post about bushes? Oh right, it’s not about the bushes.

Bunny has extremely rebloggable legs.

Mmmm. Mmm. Mmm. Love those new pants.

Just gonna leave this here for everyone that hates them. Every pelvic thrust and hip gyration is me thinking of you and taunting you.

Try and get them off me.

This post is still going around? And it just hit 1,900 notes? I’d say I was surprised, but…you know. I’m not. Everyone loves posts about bushes.

bushes :D

Headcannon: Shrubbery adores Rabbit’s legs and accidentally keeps photobombing her.