Ralkina Jones tells police at station: ‘I don’t want to die in your cell’ – video
In video released by Cleveland Heights police, Ralkina Jones tells an officer
‘I don’t want to die in your cell’
about 15 hours before she is found dead at the station. Jones is seen in the bodycam footage, shot on 25 July, a day after her arrest, asking about her cell and telling police she needs to take medicine for various medical conditions. Jones was found dead in her cell on 26 July
Cleveland Heights police said Jones was found to be “lethargic” at about 7pm on Saturday night and taken to a local hospital for treatment. She was treated and released back to jail a few hours later, and found to be fine in periodic checks throughout the night. Police said she had been administered a prescribed medication for high blood pressure during her incarceration. She was found dead on Sunday morning.
Jones’s death comes about two weeks after another black woman, Sandra Bland, died in a Waller County Jail cell in Texas. Authorities have determined Bland’s death to be a suicide, but her family members question the veracity of the investigation.
It also comes on the same weekend that a Black Lives Matter rally held in downtown Cleveland nearly turned violent when local police discharged pepper spray at participants protesting for the release of a 14-year-old African American boy, who police were holding for being intoxicated on a local bus. The boy was eventually released to his mother. /source/
#SayHerName is once again actual in the US. As you noticed, such cases can’t be named ‘isolated’ cause they are quite periodic and we still have to demand #Justice for black female victims of cops. Ralkina Jones knew well that it’s lethally dangerous for her to stay at the police station. Because racism is not over and #PoliceBrutality is still the big problem of our law Enforcement system. #StayWoke
#RalkinaJones #SayHerName #Cops #Police #PoliceBrutality #PoliceViolence #BlackLivesMatter