A clearer photo would be nice. I can't tell if that's a resizing disaster, those grody scarifications [God please NO! Never again! FFS that variant was nothing like the 'Crawler we know and love] or actual proper velvet FUR like he's supposed to have, dangit.
(pant pant pant)
In case my dear readers haven't guessed, I've been a Nightcrawler nerd since my tender teens. So that makes it roughly 30+ years of loving the fuzzy blue dude.
The hands and feet look WAY more real than the horrible things they made Mr Cummings wear. Yay. And it looks like his hair is the comics-faithful unruly mop of curls. YAY!
…I can kind of understand why the movies keep giving him claws instead of regular nails. It 'sells' the idea of demonic appearance a little harder. BUT… why, O sweet synchronicity, WHY do they constantly have to make it look like he has some kind of fungal infection going on? Can't have everything, I guess…
And speaking of Can't Have Everything - Why the everloving FUCK does Kurt's tail look like it came straight from the catalogues of Bad Dragon? [If you google it - it's NSFW. Just… look it up in private. What is seen cannot be unseen etc etc] What? Was a normal, serpentine and spaded tail not enough for you? Is it ribbed for her pleasure? [Have read and written fics that went there, folks!] Or is this a cunning plot to have the volumes of Nightcrawler erotica quintuple in size?
Australian actor. There's half a chance he'll fucking nail a proper germanic accent (Sorry, Alan Cumming, but yours was a teensy bit Hogan's Heroes)
Look may be more CGI than makeup - more realistic movement and look on screen
Actual glowy-look eyes
I want to see the high-wire costume, and so does about 90% of the estrogen-fuelled fandom :D
Poor actor may have those fangs-abounding fucking dentures again (WTF?)
90% chance his interesting storyline will be fucking sidelined for more fucking Wolverine (GFDI!)
He woke in a nest of cushions with a fan ruffling his fur. The grandmother-esque woman - Mrs Nezmith? - sat calmly nearby reading a book.
“Feeling better?”
“I’m sorry,” he blurted.
“Whatever for?” she reached over to soothe his hair into place, brushing an ear and his cheek by co-incidence. “It’s perfectly natural to be nervous, Kurt. New things can be frightening.”
Kurt stared off into space. Mama wasn’t Mama. Her hair was wrong. There had been other things, of course, tiny signals that he’d ignored or glossed over in the want to have Mama close.
He wasn’t really dead.
No Purgatory.
No hope of heaven.
No true escape from Sir.
No re-uniting with the family he loved.
Nothing, in fact, but more heartache and fear and the eventual return to chains and Sir’
Three days passed without a resurgance of the Wagners. Celia knew better than to hope they had gone forever, but she was glad that Demon was back to his show-off self. The poor kid seemed to live from moment to moment, finding joy in whatever small slice he could get.
“Hey-hey! It’s *Kurt*!”
_What the–?_ Celia turned, trying to find the unfamilliar speaker. At her heels, on his leash, Demon turned, too.
The money was good. Both he and Dad agreed on that. It paid for a great many luxuries. Unfortunately, it didn’t - or wouldn’t - pay for the take-out containers to go to the trash, nor for the clothes to get washed, nor for the dishes to get cleaned.
That was his job, now.
At least Dad didn’t make him wear that fucking collar and chain.
Kurt’s head was spinning. The last thing he knew, he’d fallen asleep in the stuffy atmosphere of the tarp. Then, when he woke up, he was staring at Mama. Sort of.
She *looked* like Mama. Except she wore a scarf. And she spoke so *differently*.
Kurt was confused.
Maybe he’d gone to Heaven and wasn’t quite aware, yet. Suffocation was bound to have done something to him. All the angels were
Once upon a time, someone called Quazar made a delicious six-page comic about a little fuzzy elf and a horrible, horrible situation. The remains of said comic (minus first page) can be found in the scraps section of this Deviantart account.
Quazar now prefers Enolianslave and has forgotten the rest of the original story. Meeps.
Anyway, onwards with the ficcage:
Disclaimer: The plotbunny comes from Quazar’s delicious comic… all six pages of it [waaannnnt mooooorrrre!]. Kurt Wagner and any