Wearing a stiff wrist brace.
I’m managing like 12 typos per minute.
And 5 actual words in as much time.
It’s such fun being me.
Wearing a stiff wrist brace.
I’m managing like 12 typos per minute.
And 5 actual words in as much time.
It’s such fun being me.
Yesterday afternoon, I did something awful to my left wrist as part of my everyday writing regime. No big problem, I put my one remaining thermal elastic ‘sock’ bandage over it and thought no more about it.
And I forgot to take it off when I went to bed.
That little fucker rolled up on my wrist and caused some more painful damage to my left wrist that now means I can’t do anything without encountering excruciating pain.
A majority of
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EXCEPT to say- commonplacecaz.
one day i want to have the strength to read everything a friend writes
Reblogging for GPOY
Read more »Checklist for character development.
Created by myself, compiled from questions gleaned from several sources, and some of my own additions.
It should be noted, that not every character will check every one of these things off. It is not REQUIRED to have all this information, but this checklist is, rather, a guideline for helping you think of your character as an entire, three dimentional being with thoughts, feelings, possessions, contradictions and background.
A character is 20% revealed to the
Why are there no spellcheckers that recognise when you’re typing a dialect?
Read more »Read more »I Promise I’m Not a Murderer: The Story of a Researching Writer
now with a sequel:
I Swear I’m Not Pregnant, I’m Just Naming Characters
Don’t forget: I’m not Trying to Break Into This Building, I Just Need to Know the Layout of it
And the ever appealling: I’m Not Planning on Killing Myself, I Just Need to Know How a Character Could Commit Suicide Whilst Making it Look Like